7710 West Saginaw Hwy Lansing MI 48917
517 - 323 - 8500

Absentee Voter Information

Voting by Absentee Ballot
At the General Election in November of 2018, Proposal 3 a Constitutional Amendment passed unanimously statewide 66.8% Yes to 33.2% No. This constitutional amendment affects deadlines to register to vote, how they become registered to vote and who can vote by absentee ballot. 

Who can vote by Absentee Ballot in person or through the mail?

All voters can apply to vote by absentee ballot either in person at the Delta Township Clerk’s Office or through the mail. To request an absentee ballot, complete an application for Absentee Ballot which can be found on the Delta Township website at www.deltami.gov or by calling the Delta Township Clerk’s Office to request an application be mailed. Ballots are available 45 days prior to each election date.

How can voters vote by mail for all scheduled elections?

Delta Township maintains an Automatic Absent Voter List which mails an application for absentee ballot for all elections scheduled in Delta Township.  If voters are interested in getting placed on the Automatic Absent Voter List call the Delta Township Clerk’s Office at 517-323-8500 or complete the Automatic Absent Voter List Request Form and mail or drop off to the Delta Township Clerk’s Office at 7710 W. Saginaw Highway, Lansing.

When can voters vote by mail?

Absentee ballots are available 45 days prior to every election. Registered Voters can request an application to have a ballot mailed. The deadline to request a ballot and have a ballot mailed to a voter is the Friday before every election at 5 p.m.

When can voters apply in person for an absentee ballot?

Voters can request a ballot until 4 p.m. on Monday before the election. If a voter applies for a ballot in person at the Delta Township Clerk’s Office until on Monday before the election, voter will be required to vote ballot at the Clerk’s Office. The Delta Township Clerk’s Office will be open a minimum of 8 hours the weekend before every election scheduled in Delta Township to process absentee ballot applications and ballots to voters. Please call the Delta Township Clerk’s Office at 323-8500 for information on scheduled weekend hours or see the Michigan Voter Information Center website at www.michigan.gov/vote to obtain additional hours for processing absentee applications and ballots.

New voters can register to vote on Election Day at the Delta Township Clerk’s Office with identification and residency identification. New Voters can also apply for an absentee ballot and vote in person when they register to vote on Election Day at the Delta Township Clerk’s Office only, until 8 p.m. Election Day.

All absentee ballots must be returned to the Delta Township Clerk’s office by 8 pm Election Day for your ballot to be counted.  Ballots can be personally returned to the Clerk’s Office, dropped off at the Delta Township drive-up gray night deposit box located on the north side of the building, dropped in the walk-up black dropbox on the east end of the building, or mailed.  If voter’s chose to return their absentee ballot by mail you must allow 5 to 7 days for mailing as the ballot must be received by Election Day in order to be counted.

The Delta Township Clerk’s Office maintains an Automatic Absent Voter List, which is a list of voters who regularly choose to vote by absentee ballot.  From this list, Applications for an Absentee Ballot are mailed out for every election as required by Michigan Election Law.  If you would like to be placed on our Automatic Absent Voter List, please fill out the attached request and return it to the Clerk’s Office.


Frequently asked questions and answers are provided below.  However, should you have additional inquiries about voting procedures please contact the Clerk’s Office at 323-8500 during normal business hours, Monday-Friday from 8 am – 5 pm.

Q.  What steps do I have to take to receive an Application?

A.  You may request to be placed on the Automatic Absentee Voter List.  From that list, Applications are automatically mailed each election.  If you choose to not be placed on the permanent list, you may call the Clerk’s Office and request an Application be sent for any particular election.

Q.  How to complete the Application?

A.  The Application will either be for one or two upcoming elections. The date or dates will be printed at the top of the Application. Please verify your residential address and mailing address.  Make any changes if necessary. If you wish the Ballot be sent to an alternate address other than your current residence, make sure to provide the alternate address where indicated on the Application. Sign, date, and return the Application in the envelope provided.

Q.  Do I qualify to receive an Absentee Ballot?

A.  Under Proposal 3, a constitutional amendment passed by Michigan voters in November 2018 EVERY Michigan voter has the right to vote by absentee ballot – no reason is required. You MUST return the absent voter application each election in order to receive a ballot.

Q.  What happens next?

A.  All applications are reviewed for completeness and signatures are compared to those in our database. Your ballot will be mailed to you at the address you indicate as soon as the Ballots are available for mailing.  Typically this is four to five weeks in advance of the election.

Q.  What is your next step?

A.  In the privacy of your home, vote the candidates and issues of your choice. Place the Ballot back in the secrecy sleeve and envelope provided. Sign the outside of the envelope where indicated.  You may return the ballot via US Mail, place in the Delta Township drop box on the north drive, or hand-deliver the ballot to the Clerk’s Office. 

Q.  What if I want to vote at the precinct?

A.  Simply do not fill out the absentee application and go to your precinct on Election Day to vote. Or, if you have received your Absentee Ballot, simply surrender the Ballot at your precinct on Election Day and vote in the precinct.

Q.  Which elections will I receive absentee ballot applications for?

A.  An application will be mailed to all voters on the Permanent AV List for any election scheduled in Delta Township.

Contact Us
Do you have an idea, question or comment for the Township? Let us know!

Contact Us

7710 West Saginaw Hwy
Lansing MI 48917
Phone: (517) 323-8500
Fax: (517) 323-8599
Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.