7710 West Saginaw Hwy Lansing MI 48917
517 - 323 - 8500

Noise Waiver Information & Application

Noise waiver applications must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the date for which it is requested.  After Receipt of a noise waiver application, neighboring properties within 300ft of the property for which the noise waiver is being requested will be notified of a public hearing before the Delta Township.  
Important Information for Noise Waivers:
  • Noise waivers will not be granted beyond 11:30 p.m. 
  • Noise waivers are a great way to ensure your event will not be interrupted by Deputies responding to a noise complaint
  • Amplified noise may include, but is not limited to construction noise, amplified music/noise (ie: DJ, live music, announcers), Car Engine Noise (Car Show), etc.
  • Noise waiver Applications must include the $50 processing fee in order to be processed.

Contact Us
Do you have an idea, question or comment for the Township? Let us know!

Contact Us

7710 West Saginaw Hwy
Lansing MI 48917
Phone: (517) 323-8500
Fax: (517) 323-8599
Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.